Sunday, May 9, 2010

Year 2 Week 3 Print Project- The Eavesdroppers

I had really hoped to get the birds and flowers painting, inspired by the bird photographer, Mirror Lake, on Flickr, done, but I had Asher all weekend so didn't get any painting done, but we had a lot of fun. The weather the last couple of days has been glorious. We went on several walks. He is 13 months and does not want any help walking, or any guidance and does not want to hold hands. He gets quite worked up about it, since we live on a street and I try to keep him away from moving vehicles and the like. I think he might be a little stubborn.

The 2$ print is on etsy as usual. I have 2 subscribers and one of them gets 2 every week, so I will be listing only 9 of each print.


Art4Sol said...

Another beautiful print!

elsie said...

LOVE the connection you portrayed between the two women, LOVE!

Diane said...

Julie, I love this, and I love my print that I ordered from your ETsy store--it looks great in my studio!

Campbell Jane said...

I love it! You are amazing!