Saturday, April 25, 2009

Art Anxiety

I'm surprised about how much angst I have about my 52 week project. It's only the second week and I am having performance anxiety. I am a person who can be quite prolific with my art, but something about producing a piece worthy of being a print every week is just about sending me over the edge. I also feel pressure to get some work done ahead, because I know there will be weeks when I won't have time or something.
I do have something for tomorrow though and I really love it.
I found some awesome links on Art and Ghosts Blog, a link to a cool Beatrix Potter ballet video
and Superbomba who posts vintage photos on flickr that are so hilarious, I was laughing myself silly this morning. I've included one for your enjoyment.


femminismo said...

Hey, thanks for the link to the great old photos. What fun to look through those! - Jeanne

Melo said...

Hi Julie, I try to stay away from these type of projects. I know I can't deal with that type of pressure. I'd be anxious too, and these days I run away from anything that can make me anxious. Best of luck to ya on this!

OMG, I LOVE that Flickr stream. Thanks for sharing!

Art4Sol said...

It's got to be fun! Don't create anxiety for is too short!