Sunday, August 9, 2009

Week 17 52 week project Charcoal sketch of flower head girl

It's been a rough week, folks! I had two root canals on the same tooth this week, went camping and while camping the stinkin' tooth started to abscess, oh, the pain! All I had time or energy for was some charcoal sketches, so this is my print for week 17. I used to do what I called "Flower Head Girls" all the time when I sold on ebay a few years ago, and I decided to do some more. Here is my favorite of the sketches. I might offer the painting later if it turns out. 5x7 on fine quality paper. Click on the pic to buy it.
It's on a new surface for me, I read about it on someone's blog, but my mind is so foggy from pain pills I can't remember where, I will find it and link later, anyway, it's muslin! With two coats of cheap acrylic paint or gesso, it's toothy, but fine grained, so it takes the charcoal and paint, but you don't have all the holes that drive me crazy with canvas. And SO cheap! I need to figure out how many 9x12 sheets I got out of a yard, but it was a lot, and muslin only costs around $1 a yard. It's just the sort of mindless prep work I love when I feel like painting, but I don't know what to paint, so it's a win/win. LOVe it and thank you whoever you are that shared the muslin painting with us here in blog world. I should have thought of it forever ago, because that's what Jo James, (Cart Before The Horse) uses on her dolls and I used it on my doll I did for Jane's class, but it just never crossed my mind to tear sheets and paint them ! It might be pain meds that are making me sound like I just discovered penicillin.
Edit** Here is the blogger who paints on muslin: Lynne Hoppe, also, Sharon does it too, to great effect. I of course, read the directions and did it my own way, but it works, that's the main thing.


Micki Wilde said...

I hope your tooth pain goes away soon, sounds awful!!


Micki x

Unknown said...

That does not sound like fun! Please get better soon! I'm amazed you felt like doing that sketch. It's cute.

3rdEyeMuse said...

I think she's lovely. :)

angela recada said...

Thanks for the links and info on muslin painting! She's lovely.

I hope you feel better soon.

lynne h said...

oh my goodness... i was part of your muslin love... i'm REALLY smiling now, hee! : )

she's gorgeous, julie... *all* of your paintings are! i think the tooth/weave of muslin is perfect for your paintings - it compliments them beautifully.
