Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Trip to Carbonado and Wilkeson

Saturday Dave and I drove up to the Carbon Glacier side of Mt Rainier. Pics by Dave. The first picture is the Wilkeson Elementary school. It is built of locally produced sandstone. There is a sandstone quarry and cutting operation at the end of the road this school is on, and we saw 30 old abandoned coke ovens. (I guess they used to cook coal to make coke which burned cleaner for heat) There used to be over 160 ovens there. We also saw a strange edifice that looked like part of a castle, abandoned in the woods, but I cannot find anything about it online.
We also went through Carbonado, a very little town that looks like it is hard to make a living there at the base of Mt Rainier. Then we went as far as we could in the park and thats where Dave was able to take these long sought after pictures of skunk cabbage. I really don't know what we will talk about on trips in the spring anymore since he has finally captured some. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's the first time I have ever seen skunk cabbage.